I HAVE A DREAM: To Fulfill Martin Luther King Dream


I have a dream that one day this nation will welcome an “open mind” to seeing themselves as the observers of their life through their human portal.

I have a dream that one day this nation would adapt to the fact that they ARE a spark (living as a human being) of our creator energy that encompasses love.

I have a dream that one day “ALL” little girls and boys grow up understanding who they are as the loving human they chose to be on Mother Earth in this lifetime to fulfill their purpose.

I have a dream that one day, we ALL as a nation choose “peace” over “violence” to receive what we seek in return. To understand the “love” we are as a spark of our creator living a human experience reflects how we choose to treat our surroundings. When you are blind to your power of love, you block your gift of using your free will (for your good). Taking in what you’re taught or what you allow yourself to be taught from what was shared for you to be can destroy if the goal core isn’t self-love.

I have a dream that we as a nation would challenge ourselves and ask questions relating to our existence and not solely rely on what’s planted on Earth by our same kind (human) to answer questions regarding our hidden identity within our human portal. Seek within the answers to find who you truly are, and seek answers that come from questions that registers with our inner knowing.

I have a dream that we as a nation choose to “accept” one another as the human we are and embrace the gifts we come on Earth to share. When you learn what a special spiritual gift called “discernment” is, you’ll be able to judge wisely to help guide you to your purpose, which aligns with your passion, which comes from within, which is our true existence.

I have a dream…that one day, we choose to live true to the creators we are living as a spark of our creator, and that’s choosing ways that allow us to wear our love.

I believe in my dreams to chase my passions and fulfill my goals, and they are valid just like all human passions, goals, and dreams are.

Waking up to the reality that life on earth as a human is a dream is “KEY” to waking up to your true reality as a soul of love.

When we choose to wear our love, we rise above all!

ReNew D Soul Wear Your Love Rise Above All

Love Rise Above All Energy Healing Services: Spiritual Advisor

Love OVercomer Education: L.O.V.E. Nonprofit Organization